The School buildings have been engineered strictly adhering to the ISI standards, in compliance with the National Building Code (IS: 4838)

Every room in the school has wide lattices that allow natural diffused light to come in from both sides of the room. This is achieved by the innovative use of "light shelves" which act as both sunshades and also light reflectors sending natural light deep into the rooms. Concrete "grilles" provide an attractive screen for safety and protection as the children move along the well-ventilated corridors. Wall-to-wall windows on opposite sides of every classroom allow cross ventilation, helping to circulate copious amounts of air in the room and cool down the temperatures during summer.
Many of the classrooms are equipped with a projector and screen to enhance student learning (Smart Classes). All classrooms have a high-speed internet connection so that the teachers can access the net and use interesting material in their lessons.
The Kindergarten playroom is full of interactive, fun play equipment that helps develop the psycho-motor and creative skills of the young children. The room has colourful wall-to-wall murals that the kids enjoy immensely.
All the Kindergarten classroom walls also have such colourful murals on them.
The kindergarten play area is a sand lot where the children can play safely without fear of injury. The play area has two slides, two swings with eight seats appropriate for different age groups. There is also a fun sand pit which the children love to play in.
In addition, we also have lots of tricycles, slides, see-saws, ropes, play dough and other equipment that help improve and strengthen the psycho-motor skills of our children.
There are more than the required number of toilets on each floor and they are maintained to a high standard. Boys and girls have separate toilets. The School believes that healthy children in a hygienic environment produce high learning output. Thus, the School focusses on providing a healthy learning environment by:
- Provision of facilities needed for sanitation, such as clean lavatories, toilets, hand-washing
- Provision of Personal and Environmental Hygiene Education in the curriculum to develop skills, attitudes and knowledge for effective hygiene
- Programming personal and environmental hygiene awareness camps
Each floor of the school building has a staff room with wide windows across the room which provide the teachers with lots of natural light and ventilation. They are provided with lockers, personal working spaces and a computer to prepare and assess their lessons.
The school has a dedicated sickroom with first aid supplies and basic medicine. The room has four clean beds for the children who need to rest and recover.
The school has a reverse osmosis mineral water plant to supply pure and safe water for the children. Enough number of taps are arranged at different points on every floor of the school so that the children can get the water at their nearest point.
Every child and staff member has access to cool purified water which is very much appreciated, especially during summer. There is a water cooler on each floor.
The School recognises that today’s children are ‘growing up digital’ and that computer literacy is of vital importance in education. Computer education is therefore an integral part of the Saibaba Central School curriculum. The School sports two well-equipped ‘wired’ computer labs with current and emerging computer hardware, software and other relevant resources.
Such a computer lab facilitates in-depth learning. Students are introduced to basic computer components and its uses from Class I onwards. From Class III, students are introduced to, and work with, various software programmes.
Our computer courses focus on word-processing skills, spreadsheets and databases, developing multimedia projects and using the internet for research.
The well-equipped Physics Lab gives students the opportunity to engage in intellectually challenging activities, such as building pulleys and levers, electrical circuits and other devices. The purpose is to provide students with a "hands on, minds on" learning experience.
The Chemistry Lab provides contextual learning and is very well-equipped. Ever mindful of the students' safety, the School supplies them with protective eye goggles, lab aprons and gloves. Smoke detectors are installed in the lab for safety.
Our aim is to inspire students to explore questions about aspects of their everyday life and the natural world by cultivating a spirit of enquiry. The Biology Lab provides students with ample facilities to do so. For instance, they could stain their own micro-organisms and then observe them under our advanced microscopes.
A well-equipped Maths Lab has been set up, conforming to the guidelines and recommendations of the CBSE. Hands on exploration of concrete material leads to greater ’conceptual understanding' and 'problem-solving skills'. The primary objectives of the Maths Lab are:
- To help dispel fear of mathematics (algebra and geometry) in pupils by making maths learning more meaningful and enjoyable.
- To make mathematics more pragmatic and life-oriented.
- To provide study and test-taking skills.
- To practice interactive maths on the computers.
- To advance mathematical modelling of real life problems in order to come up with guided discovery activities and collaborative learning in groups.
- To provide alternative instruction using a wide range of audio and video resources.
The Lab is dedicated to the acquisition of language, be it Telugu, English or Hindi. This room is resourced with posters, language kits, audiobooks, phonic kits and a puppet theatre.
The school has installed an advanced English communicative software called ’Words Worth’. This programme helps to improve English language skills in both students and teachers. The 43 computers in one of our computer labs have been installed with the Words Worth software and have been equipped with headphones. The programme targets the four aspects of language; listening, speaking, writing and reading. It provides oral/aural practice.
feedback and self-critiquing. It also helps to prepare the students for tests such as TOEFL, GRE, IELTS, NELTS and other foreign university entry eligibility tests, by including teaching modules based on those international English language testing services.
Our Social Sciences Lab boasts the world’s largest World Map. From wall-to-wall and ceiling-to-floor, this map captures the attention and imagination of every child. The lab is full of syllabus based attractive resources such as posters, 3D geographic models and other interesting things that bring the syllabus to life. It also provides a large space for students to work collaboratively on their group projects.
The Library is a rich learning resource centre. It sports a large reading room, a wide and varied collection of more than 9000 books, magazines (both national and international), newspapers and CDs. Hundreds of e-books written by famous authors are provided on our 40 Kindles. A bank of internet enabled computers, a printer, a copy machine and a scanner are available for research purposes to both students and staff. All resources in the library are organised in the international Dewey Decimal System and searchable on a computerised database. A well skilled Librarian is on hand at all times.
Use of educational audiovisual resources is an integral part of Saibaba Central School's learning and teaching processes. The school houses an air-conditioned, soundproof, multimedia theatre equipped with the latest audiovisual instructional technology as well as an extensive collection of edifying DVDs, videotapes and interactive CDs.
The school's video library is stocked with enlightening and inspiring movies and documentaries on wide-ranging subjects, including history, science, astronomy and the biographies of great scientists and leaders. The audiovisual resources are carefully selected and presented to complement the regular syllabus, enhance the lesson plans and correspond with the students’ level of comprehension.
The Dome of the Admin Block has been converted into a beautiful hall for meditation. Short meditation sessions are held for teachers every morning. This time provides them with an opportunity to ready their minds for the day ahead. This has proven to be very helpful.
The school has a dedicated room for the students to create and display their works of art and craft. The peace of the semi-circular room is enhanced by the views out over lush paddy fields. The birds that visit the overhanging trees bring inspiration and wonder into the minds of our young artists.
The Babuji Hall is a large open facility that can comfortably house more than 1200-1500 children at a time. It serves as a multi-purpose venue with a large dais and a fully fledged sound system. It is used every day for assembly, school lunches, celebrations, events, competitions, indoor games and rehearsals.
A well-maintained three-acre sports field caters for many sporting activities such as Athletics, Football, Volleyball, Handball, Throw ball, Basketball, Kho-Kho and Kabaddi. This field is used daily for physical exercises, during games periods, for Inter House competitions and training for regional and national competitions.
The School cherishes an ideological commitment to promote ecological literacy and environmental ethics. Accordingly, the School building is an environmentally friendly ‘Green School’, integrated with energy-efficient and eco-friendly technologies. To learn more click here
Creating and maintaining a safe learning environment is one of the primary concerns of the School. The School takes great pride in having already implemented the Safe School concept by setting up a safety and emergency preparedness framework. To learn more click here.
Enthusiastic to utilise in the best possible way the latest advancements in web technology, the school has set up a web-based school management and student information system. The School has launched its own website, with a dedicated secure Mail Server (Saimail). The senior students of our school are provided with their own email accounts with login IDs. The features of the interactive web-based student management system include scheduling, grades, attendance, school fees, and more. Parents can access such information concerning their children at any time on the internet.
Our entire school campus is wi-fi enabled so that the teachers can access the net at any time of the day to integrate content from the web into their lessons.
A fleet of 13 buses run between the School and Ongole, Singaraya Konda and Tangutur. The management is very particular about maintenance, safety and not overloading the buses with children. All the buses are equipped with essential safety features, including child restraints for the front seats, tooth guards, guard rails, semi-sliding windows and anti-skid floors. The exterior of each bus is painted a bright golden yellow to enhance visibility at night and in foggy weather conditions. All our bus drivers are under the age of fifty and are required to have a minimum of five years experience in driving heavy vehicles. We require them to undergo medical tests every year to ensure they are fit for work. The buses also have fully trained supervisors who are responsible for the children’s safety onboard, and while getting on and off the bus. Attendance is taken on each bus by the supervisors to ensure that the number of students who have entered the bus are accounted for at pick up and drop off points. They have designated routes for picking up children from specified points in Ongole. Our buses will not stop at any other place.
Extra precautions have been taken in the construction of the School foundation. As Ongole is designated an Earthquake Red Zone, the school has taken the expensive initiative to safeguard our children and staff in case of an earthquake. Each column above ground is supported by 4 piles at a depth of 17’ and of 18” diameter. Each pile cap (8’ X 8' X 2.6”) consumed 35 bags of cement. The pile caps are connected with a big plinth beam that makes up the foundation. Special care has also been taken with steel reinforcement and mating of the pile caps and plinth beam.