Teachers Day Celebrations

Teacher’s Day was celebrated with zeal and zest on 5 September 2024, commemorating the birthday of the greatphilosopher Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, who loved learning, and was a well-known diplomat,scholar, president of India and above all a teacher. There was great excitement in the school atmosphere.
The Academic Director, Ms. Sruti Sainathuni, highlighted the significance of teachers and their invaluable efforts in shaping students' futures. The Hononorary Correspondent, Mr. G.V. Bhaskar and the Principals, Mr. M. Mahesh and Mrs. J. Sasi Lakshmi garlanded Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan’s photo.
Asritha of Class X paid tribute to the great teacher, Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan and spokeabout the auspicious occasion. She said that teachers instill courage and inspire students todeal with many challenges that come in their life and for which they are indebted to them. The students of classes IX & IX took over the duties of the teachers for the day. The studentsdecorated their classes and wrote inspiring quotes about teachers on the black boards, showingtheir love and respect for their beloved teachers. Students of Class X made an innovativePowerPoint presentation “Guess Who?” which was the highlight of the day. The students also participated in various message oriented skits. The students lovingly presented colourfully decorated greeting cards and origamiflowers and bouquets to teachers. It was touching to see how hard the children worked toprepare nice cards to show their appreciation for their teachers. The teachers blessed thestudents and conveyed their best wishes for their bright future. The teaching staffgrabbed the opportunity to relax and play at the school participating in musical chairs.The games were watched and cheered bythe boys and girls. The management hosted a lunch and light snack in the evening for allteaching and non-teaching staff.